Saturday, June 20, 2009

A pile ou face

Just a quick post on my favourite French actress, Emmanuelle Beart.

In true French actress style, if you type her name into Google Image, a multiplicity of naked images will come up. French cinema is less inhibited than Hollywood. If a French actress gets her kit off no one will think twice about it, but in Hollywood it is a major media event and the actress is considered to have cheapened herself somehow. Inhibition also leads to incessant on-screen smoking. 

I have loved Emmanuelle since I saw her in 2002's 8 Femmes, a kitch little musical film. I was a bit shocked to discover that Emmanuelle is actually 45. Another thing about French cinema - though age is still a barrier for actresses, it is much less of one. 

This post is really just an excuse to put up some pictures of Emmanuelle. These days actresses seem to get credit for style and fashion, and it is only the men's magazines who will harp on about their physical assets. I believe natural beauty is something pretty special though, and becoming a rarer commodity (I'm thinking of fake tan and surgeon's knives).

Nathalie (2003)

Looking like a softer Angelina Jolie

Love the red and aqua in this photo

And here are the lyrics to the song she sang in 8 Femmes, 'Pile ou Face' (Heads or Tails). I translated this ages ago but I don't trust my French anymore. It's pretty self evident though - it's a song about a woman who lives her life entirely by heads or tails.

Pas la peine de se retourner
Sur le tableau décroché
La craie s'efface
Y a plus de traces

Et moi je vis ma vie
A pile ou face
Tous mes sentiments
A pile ou face
A pile ou face
Et de temps en temps
Un coup je passe
Un coup je passe

Je veux vivre ma vie
A pile ou face
Mes amours se jouent
A pile ou face
Dans un léger flou
A pile ou face
Je risquerai tout
Un coup je m'égare
Un coup je me gare

Chaque jour devant ma glace
Je vois des rêves qui passent
Et qui s'effacent
C'est le temps qui se cache

Mais moi je vis ma vie
A pile ou face
toutes mes émotions
A pile ou face
Chaque sensation
A pile ou face
Sans hésitation
Un coup je passe
Un coup je casse


  1. oh eight women is so bad but so great.
    she does look a little like angelina.
    emmanuelle is such a beautiful girl's name.
    i love foreign movies.
    i find the fashion and style in them are usually fantastic.

  2. I was just thinking when i wrote this what a great name emmanuelle is. 'Elle' for short...and it's a pretty hard name for the Aussie accent to bastardise.

  3. i love emmanuelle, she's so incredibly beautiful. I have 8 femmes in my quickflix queue. really looking forward to seeing it now.

  4. i've also heard emma used as a nickname for emmanuelle.
    i thought it was quite clever.
